Wish them well with this bright, beautiful bouquet! From orange roses and red alstroemeria, to lavender asters and mini sunflowers, this rainbow of blooms will brighten their space - and their spirits. It's hand-delivered in a charming "Bee Well Soon" pot with darling bee decorations.
Includes orange spray roses, red alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, yellow sunflowers, green button mums, white daisies, purple statice, pink sweet william, bupleurum, sword fern, leatherleaf fern, variegated pittosporum and ivy.
Delivered in Teleflora's Buzzing Bee Well pot.
Orientation: One-Sided
We may represent an overall theme or look and include a one-of-a-kind vase which cannot be exactly replicated. Even if we cannot guarantee precise match with the representational photo, its feel and theme will match. Substitutions of flowers or containers might happen due to weather, seasonality and market conditions. We always ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.
Wish them well with this bright, beautiful bouquet! From orange roses and red alstroemeria, to lavender asters and mini sunflowers, this rainbow of blooms will brighten their space - and their spirits. It's hand-delivered in a charming "Bee Well Soon" pot with darling bee decorations.
Includes orange spray roses, red alstroemeria, lavender matsumoto asters, yellow sunflowers, green button mums, white daisies, purple statice, pink sweet william, bupleurum, sword fern, leatherleaf fern, variegated pittosporum and ivy.
Delivered in Teleflora's Buzzing Bee Well pot.
Orientation: One-Sided
All prices in USD ($)
Substitution Policy
We may represent an overall theme or look and include a one-of-a-kind vase which cannot be exactly replicated. Even if we cannot guarantee precise match with the representational photo, its feel and theme will match. Substitutions of flowers or containers might happen due to weather, seasonality and market conditions. We always ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.